Hosting A Children of the New Earth Conference                                                                                                                                                  

 A Children of the New Earth conference serves three main purposes: 

a) To raise awareness in your community about possibilities for new education. 

b) To provide training for parents, teachers, children and mental health professionals. 

c) To raise funds for opening your Light Way school.  

We provide you with administrative planning support and a complete conference blueprint containing all the tools required to put on your conference with ease.  Included in our conference blueprint is:

  • roster of professional speakers in education, mental health, healing, parenting, autism, and school creation.
  • a website. 
  • a budgeting tool.
  • a sponsor guide with full sponsor program.
  • registration materials.
  • advertising materials. 
  • a vendor guide with registration forms.
  • logistical information on managing volunteers, a timeline, and other organizational necessities. 
  • a recognized name and reputation for excellence.

You provide the on-site team of individuals both adult and child committed to creating a new educational paradigm. 

Contact: Kelly Ann  to find out more.